"The greatest fine art of the future will be the making of a comfortable living from a small piece of land."
-Abraham Lincoln

So Things Haven't Gotten Much Better

My "little virus", hasn't gotten much better.   In fact, in some ways, it's gotten much worse.  I still have the low grade fever and still have the occasional muscle aches and headache.  However, my rash that was only on my hands and around my ankles is now covering my entire body. I'm exhausted all the time, my eyes have been bloodshot for 4 days, I itch, I have occasional stomach pain, dry cough, constant rapid heart rate, etc. but the swelling that had become severe in my feet and ankles has now gone down some which is a plus still pretty bad in my hands though.   After eight days of illness, two doctors office visits and one emergency room visit (for crushing chest pain that radiated up my either side of my neck), I still don't have an "official" diagnosis although two of three doctors suspect mononucleosis....nice.   Apparently mono can takes weeks to months to heal, so I could look like this,
for months on end if that's my malfunction in the first place.  Not a happy camper.  So I've been mostly sitting in my big, comfy chair watching tv and rotting what's left of my brain.  My garden is not too happy because I haven't been out to work on it in about a week and I have no intention of working on it any time soon.

As if we hadn't had enough, our water heater decided to die on Thursday so we've been shopping for a new one.  This translates into my husband making multiple trips to the hardware store and muttering things that would cause a sailor to blush.

At least t-ball season has started so we have the adorable t-ball games to keep us busy.  Middle is doing much better and taking it much more seriously this year than he did last year.  Last year he spent his time playing in the dirt, pulling up grass, dancing and chasing his friends.  This year he cares more about learning to hit from the pitches instead of off the tee and learning to field.  He loves playing first base and catcher.  It's really fun to see the first year players this time and think back to how similar they are to Middle his first year out and know how much can change in just one year. 

The t-ball games are a nice distraction from all the recent bad luck.  Otherwise, I'm turning to prayer.  Lots and lots and lots of prayer.